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Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation


Note: The Workplace Wellbeing Certificate Program has been renamed Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation. Although the name of the certificate program has changed, the educational content remains the same. If you completed the program under its former name, Workplace Wellbeing Certificate Program, your certificate remains valid. 

Wellbeing within the workplace is key to individual and organizational productivity, engagement, satisfaction, and overall health. Helping employees achieve and maintain wellbeing takes more than monthly challenges, yearly health screenings, or attendance at wellbeing conferences. Making a difference in employees’ wellbeing and sustaining those results over time requires a culture shift—one that supports consistent, intentional healthy habits in the workplace. AVMA’s Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation certificate program empowers veterinarians and team members with the building blocks of knowledge and skills to create a culture of wellbeing in your veterinary workplace.

The program is comprised of five modules that can be taken individually or completed as a unit, culminating in an AVMA certificate of completion. To begin, participants must complete the first module: A new era for wellbeing at work. The remaining modules can be completed in any order.

Modules include:

  • A new era for wellbeing at work
    How to request, receive, and give feedback effectively
  • The intersection of workplace conflict and wellbeing
  • QPR suicide prevention training
  • Diversity and inclusion

Up to 5.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

AVMA’s Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation certificate program is made possible by an educational grant from Merck Animal Health 

Item Code WPWB-001