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Certificate Programs

Refresh page to view image Brave Space Certificate Program

AVMA’s Brave Space Certificate Program is a self-paced learning curriculum that teaches participants how to gain deeper understandings of the people around us and create healthier, safer, more inclusive veterinary teams, practices, and organizations.

The program is comprised of seven modules that can be taken individually or completed as a unit. To begin, participants must complete the first module – “Combating unconscious bias and marginalization.” The remaining modules can be completed in any order. Earn 1 CE credit for each module completed. When all seven modules are completed, participants will receive an AVMA Brave Space certificate of completion. Modules include:

Diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Combating unconscious bias and marginalization (REQUIRED)
• LGBTQIA+ 1: Identity and understanding
• LGBTQIA+ 2: Inclusion and support
• Understanding and addressing racism

Interpersonal violence
• Interpersonal violence 1: An overview
• Interpersonal violence 2: Plan, prevent, respond

Workplace harassment
• Preventing workplace harassment

7.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

Click here to watch a video to learn more about the Brave Space Certificate Program.

In collaboration with founding educational partner, Pride Veterinary Medical Community (PrideVMC), the AVMA Brave Space Certificate Program is made possible by an educational grant from Royal Canin. 

Refresh page to view image Disaster Business Continuity Certificate Program

Business continuity planning and preparedness are key to business survival. Just as we encourage clients to protect their animals in a disaster, and we plan for our own families and loved ones, we also need plans to protect our practices. AVMA’s Disaster Business Continuity Certificate Program is a self-paced learning curriculum that teaches participants how to create and implement a plan to prepare our businesses for—and minimize the impact of—emergencies and disasters. 

The program is comprised of three modules that can be taken individually or completed together. Earn 1 CE credit for each module completed. It is highly suggested to take the modules in order: Module 1, 2, and then 3.

When all three modules are completed, participants will receive an AVMA Disaster Business Continuity certificate of completion and a digital badge to display on your website and social media platforms.

Modules include:
Disaster business continuity: Module 1
This module focuses on planning for business survival during a disaster.

Disaster business continuity: Module 2
This module focuses on how to develop a business continuity plan.

Disaster business continuity: Module 3
This module focuses on implementing your business continuity plan.

3.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

Refresh page to view image Preventive Healthcare Certificate Program

The Preventive Healthcare Certificate Program will provide the tools and resources you need to communicate the value and benefit of preventive care to your clients in a way that enhances the veterinary-client-patient relationship. It will also help you to improve the overall quality of preventive healthcare you provide your patients.

9.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

Refresh page to view image Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program

The AVMA Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program verifies that participants are prepared to respond efficiently and effectively to disasters. The program serves as a framework for ensuring veterinarians and veterinary students have the knowledge and skills to serve as first responders. It does this by outlining the competencies participants must satisfy by completing approved courses and educational material that are associated with the respective competencies, and issuing a certificate to registered participants upon completion of all the requirements.

Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

NOTE: By enrolling in the AVMA Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program, you agree that AVMA may provide your name, email address, city, county, and state to appropriate state government agencies so that they may contact you in the event of a disaster or other emergency.

The AVMA Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program is made possible in part through educational funding from the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF)

Refresh page to view image Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation

Note: The Workplace Wellbeing Certificate Program has been renamed Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation. Although the name of the certificate program has changed, the educational content remains the same. If you completed the program under its former name, Workplace Wellbeing Certificate Program, your certificate remains valid. 

Wellbeing within the workplace is key to individual and organizational productivity, engagement, satisfaction, and overall health. Helping employees achieve and maintain wellbeing takes more than monthly challenges, yearly health screenings, or attendance at wellbeing conferences. Making a difference in employees’ wellbeing and sustaining those results over time requires a culture shift—one that supports consistent, intentional healthy habits in the workplace. AVMA’s Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation certificate program empowers veterinarians and team members with the building blocks of knowledge and skills to create a culture of wellbeing in your veterinary workplace.

The program is comprised of five modules that can be taken individually or completed as a unit, culminating in an AVMA certificate of completion. To begin, participants must complete the first module: A new era for wellbeing at work. The remaining modules can be completed in any order.

Modules include:

  • A new era for wellbeing at work
    How to request, receive, and give feedback effectively
  • The intersection of workplace conflict and wellbeing
  • QPR suicide prevention training
  • Diversity and inclusion

Up to 5.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

AVMA’s Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation certificate program is made possible by an educational grant from Merck Animal Health 

Refresh page to view image Workplace wellbeing 2: Self and social awareness

A healthy workplace is crucial for successful practices, and just as importantly—for satisfied individuals, teams, and clients. The Workplace wellbeing 2: Self and social awareness certificate program provides a deep dive into three areas central to workplace wellbeing: self-awareness, social awareness, and conflict management.

Building on key information and skills covered in “Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation,” participants will come away with powerful new strategies to bring your organization to the next level of workplace wellbeing.

The program is comprised of three modules that can be taken individually or completed as a unit, culminating in an AVMA certificate of completion. To begin, participants must complete the first module: “Self-awareness: From passion to peace.” The remaining modules can be completed in any order.

**Although not a requirement, we strongly recommend that learners complete Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation before moving on to Workplace wellbeing 2.**

Modules include:
Self-awareness: From passion to peace
Identify the benefits of self-awareness and learn how to bring self-awareness practice into your work life.

Enhancing social awareness 
Discover the beneficial impacts of social awareness on individuals, teams, and organizations. Learn tangible steps you can take to expand your social awareness and create a culture of belonging and connection in your workplace.

Successfully navigating conflict: A deeper dive
Discover healthy ways to manage conflict in the workplace. Explore—and learn how to navigate—scenarios where conflict often arises, such as giving and receiving feedback, encountering emotional blackmail, and managing interpersonal relationships.

3.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

AVMA’s “Workplace wellbeing 1: Setting the foundation” and “Workplace wellbeing 2: Self and social awareness” certificate programs are made possible by an educational grant from Merck Animal Health