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Disaster Business Continuity Certificate Program


Business continuity planning and preparedness are key to business survival. Just as we encourage clients to protect their animals in a disaster, and we plan for our own families and loved ones, we also need plans to protect our practices. AVMA’s Disaster Business Continuity Certificate Program is a self-paced learning curriculum that teaches participants how to create and implement a plan to prepare our businesses for—and minimize the impact of—emergencies and disasters. 

The program is comprised of three modules that can be taken individually or completed together. Earn 1 CE credit for each module completed. It is highly suggested to take the modules in order: Module 1, 2, and then 3.

When all three modules are completed, participants will receive an AVMA Disaster Business Continuity certificate of completion and a digital badge to display on your website and social media platforms.

Modules include:
Disaster business continuity: Module 1
This module focuses on planning for business survival during a disaster.

Disaster business continuity: Module 2
This module focuses on how to develop a business continuity plan.

Disaster business continuity: Module 3
This module focuses on implementing your business continuity plan.

3.0 CE Credits
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$75.00 Non-Members

Item Code DBC-001