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2024 Economic Report - AVMA & AAEP



2024 Economic Report - AVMA & AAEP

Following their 2018 report, the AVMA has partnered again with the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) to explore economics within the equine segment of the veterinary profession. This 2024 report, largely based on two surveys conducted in 2023, and another in 2022, details some of the biggest trends and concerns of the equine segment, including labor markets, compensation, debt, satisfaction, and practice characteristics. Its overarching goal is to provide an indispensable resource for three main stakeholder groups:

  • New equine veterinarians entering the workforce
  • Practicing and non-practicing equine veterinarians looking for an enhanced understanding of how economic issues are shaping the profession
  • Educational and business leaders in the equine veterinary sector

This report is more focused than the 2018 version, comprising 43 pages of key insights

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  • Free to AVMA Members
  • $210.00 non-members

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Table of Contents & Introduction

