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Animal loss and grieving

Refresh page to view image Equine EuthanasiaHow do I know it’s time?

Although it is often a difficult decision, perhaps the kindest thing you can do for a horse that is extremely ill, severely injured, lame, or dangerous is to have your veterinarian induce its death quickly and humanely through euthanasia.

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Refresh page to view image Equine Euthanasia - SpanishHow do I know it’s time?

Although it is often a difficult decision, perhaps the kindest thing you can do for a horse that is extremely ill, severely injured, lame, or dangerous is to have your veterinarian induce its death quickly and humanely through euthanasia.   Written in Spanish.

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Refresh page to view image Pet EuthanasiaHow do I know it’s time?

A decision concerning euthanasia may be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make for your pet. Your veterinarian and your family and close friends can help you make the right decision and can support you as you grieve the loss of your pet.

Available in packages of 50

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Refresh page to view image Pet Euthanasia - SpanishHow do I know it’s time?

A decision concerning euthanasia may be one of the most difficult decisions you will ever make for your pet. Your veterinarian and your family and close friends can help you make the right decision and can support you as you grieve the loss of your pet.  Written in Spanish.

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Refresh page to view image Pet Loss & GriefUnderstanding your feelings of loss

After your animal has died or been lost, it is natural and normal to feel grief and sorrow. By understanding the process, you can be better prepared to accept and handle your grief as well as help others who share your sense of loss.

Available in packages of 50

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Refresh page to view image Pet Loss & Grief - SpanishUnderstanding your feelings of loss

After your animal has died or been lost, it is natural and normal to feel grief and sorrow. By understanding the process, you can be better prepared to accept and handle your grief as well as help others who share your sense of loss.  Written in Spanish.

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