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On-Demand Webinars


Test your animal welfare assessment skills while learning about the welfare of backyard goats. In this exercise, you’ll compare two fictitious scenarios of goats. Use the photos and information provided to analyze all aspects of the animals’ lives: housing, diet, enrichment, human-animal interactions, health care and outcomes, social environment, and behavior. Come away with a deeper understanding of how to assess animal welfare in general, and goat welfare in particular.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$35 Non-members

This exercise is made possible through educational funding from Merck Animal Health and Charles River.

Test your animal welfare assessment skills while learning about the welfare of cheetahs in captivity. Using an exercise originally presented to participants in the AVMA Animal Welfare Assessment Contest, you’ll compare two fictitious scenarios of cheetahs in zoos. Learn how to apply ethical reasoning and critical thinking to analyze all aspects of the animals’ lives. Come away with a deeper understanding of how to assess animal welfare in general, and cheetah welfare in particular. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$35 Non-members

This exercise is made possible through educational funding from Merck Animal Health and Charles River.

Insurance protects our families, careers, businesses, and ourselves. Explore the various risks that veterinary teams and practices face, and learn how to protect yourself for the future. Come away understanding the importance of keeping insurance up to date, and how an annual review to assess your business and personal coverage can help you determine whether you need to make any changes.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Veterinary assistants are often underutilized members of the veterinary healthcare team. Join Janet McConnell, CVT, to learn about the Approved Veterinary Assistant Program and the role of approved veterinary assistants on the veterinary care team.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with NAVTA and made possible through educational funding from CareCredit

Learn about career opportunities in aquatic veterinary medicine, and the education, skills, and experience needed to enter the field. Dr. Jessie Sanders, owner of California-based Aquatic Veterinary Services, discusses the day-to-day work of aquatic veterinarians in private practice and aquariums, the role of veterinarians in regulating the aquaculture industry, and common medical cases and challenges.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn to identify the various types of assistance animals, and counsel clients regarding the selection, needed training, and care of these animals. Dr. Zenithson Ng, diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, discusses what you need to know about assistance animals to better serve clients and patients, support access to appropriate animals for those with disabilities, and assist in preventing fraud.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members


Have you ever considered pursuing a volunteer or leadership position in the AVMA or other veterinary association? Learn about the many leadership and volunteer opportunities in organized veterinary medicine. In this session, panelists share their own experiences, including the personal and professional rewards they get as volunteers. Come away with a deeper understanding of why and how you can get involved in the AVMA and your state, allied, and local veterinary medical associations. Also discover how associations are encouraging participation by members of historically underrepresented populations in the profession.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

In this 30-minute episode, explore how to harness technology to boost productivity and efficiency in your hospital or practice. Learn how to analyze and diagnose pain points that could be impeding productivity and growth in your own practice. Come away with solutions to these hurdles, and ideas for how to successfully implement change management and new technology.

0.5 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$15 Non-members

Learn how online offerings, like home delivery and automatic reorder, can help keep clients happy, boost compliance, and differentiate your practice from competitors. Discover key trends and actionable opportunities from the most recent Brakke Pet Medicines Home Delivery Study.

0.5 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$15 Non-members

Discover the mindset of new veterinarians on the use of technology in clinical practice, and their expectations as they enter the profession.

0.5 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$15 Non-members

Humanely ending the lives of animals is one of the most difficult, but necessary, tasks for veterinarians to oversee. During times of crisis or major catastrophe, depopulation of affected animals may sometimes be the most ethical and compassionate action to take. Dr. Steven Leary, chair of the AVMA panel that wrote AVMA’s first Guidelines for the Depopulation of Animals, gives an overview of this important guidance document released in 2019. Dr. Leary illustrates how the guidelines can help veterinarians in any area of medicine - from shelter medicine to agriculture, companion-animal practice, zoos, public health, and beyond – determine a course of action when the difficult decision to depopulate has been made.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

The AVMA Guidelines for the Humane Slaughter of Animals offer best practices for humanely ending the lives of animals raised for food or fiber. Explore changes made to the most recent edition of the guidelines, released in September 2024.

.50 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$15 Non-members

Discover ways to increase your awareness and develop solutions for events that may be encountered before, during, and after a disaster or animal health emergency.

This session satisfies core competency 3 of AVMA’s Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program. It originally was presented at AVMA Convention 2023. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Discover the principles of biosecurity and animal welfare that may be required in dealing with animals in a disaster or animal health emergency.

This session satisfies core competency 5 of AVMA’s Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program. It originally was presented at AVMA Convention 2023. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn about anatomic abnormalities associated with brachycephalic dogs. Discover how the Respiratory Function Grading Scheme can be used to assess the severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This course increases practice owners’ and veterinary teams’ knowledge of business insurance coverages needed to fully protect a practice. Join a representative from the AVMA Trust for a discussion about insurance coverages that are pertinent to property, general, and employee-related liability. Come away with a deeper understanding of what’s really needed for your practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Learn about career opportunities in the field of disaster veterinary medicine and what you can expect if you want to assist in disaster recovery and response efforts. Dr. Warren Hess, an assistant director in the AVMA Division of Animal and Public Health, discusses the important role of veterinarians in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Participants also will learn how to help clients prepare for and respond to a disaster.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Explore a career in veterinary academia. Learn about the roles and opportunities available in today’s academic institutions. Discover the benefits and challenges of transitioning to a career in education.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AAVMC

Explore veterinary career options in research administration, research compliance, regulatory compliance, and research integrity. Dr. Stacy Pritt, a nationally recognized authority on animal program regulatory compliance, discusses what regulatory compliance veterinarians typically do, what qualifications veterinarians bring to these roles, available certification opportunities, and how to apply for these positions.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Learn about opportunities in your community to help human hospice and palliative care pet owners keep and care for their pets. Dianne McGill, founder of Pet Peace of Mind, and Drs. Bob Lester and Mia Cary discuss the organizations involved in this work and how you can become involved with local hospice and elder care programs in your community. You’ll learn about the gap in services available to this population and practical ways you can help.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Civility in the workplace requires trust, respect, and consideration for others. Examine the importance of workplace civility and how early family dynamics and experiences shape our and our colleagues’ workplace behaviors. Learn about direct and indirect costs of workplace incivility, and the risk factors that contribute to it. Come away with practical strategies that can be applied at the individual, team, and organizational levels to promote civility in your workplace.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Animal drugs compounded from bulk drug substances aren’t FDA-approved, but the FDA recognizes that they can serve an important medical need for animal patients. Join FDA veterinarian Dr. Amber McCoig, for an overview of the FDA’s final guidance on compounding animal drugs from bulk drug substances and its policies that impact veterinarians and veterinary teams.

.50 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

There are many exit strategies for practice owners who don’t want to sell to a consolidator. To maximize financial success, it’s important to know your options and be aware of key considerations such as practice value drivers. In this webinar, you’ll discover a wide range of strategies to put an exiting owner on firm financial footing while also providing for ongoing veterinary ownership of the practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Merck/VMG

Employment agreements have become ubiquitous in veterinary medicine, but also, they are becoming more onerous for associate veterinarians. In this twenty-minute on-demand webinar, we will discuss the common mistakes, myths, and misunderstandings in contract law as it pertains to veterinary associates.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This on-demand webinar is developed in collaboration with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center and drip.vet a part of the VIN Family

Learn the essential elements of an emergency/disaster business continuity plan and how to create – or improve – one for your practice. Dr. Warren Hess, an assistant director in AVMA’s Division of Animal and Public Health, explains how emergency planning improves business resilience and can enable your practice to keep operating during an emergency.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is supported by the American Veterinary Medical Foundation

Explore the importance of disease reporting for veterinary first responders. Learn how to report and respond to zoonotic, transboundary, and foreign animal diseases (FADs), and how to mitigate potential impacts on human and environmental health.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Discover the various roles veterinarians can play in organizational and community response plans during a disaster or animal health emergency. Understand how veterinary first responders can be involved within the incident management hierarchy and established chain of command.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Understand the potential impact of different types of disasters and animal health emergencies on FEMA’s seven “community lifelines.” Using a case example from Hurricane Maria’s impact on Puerto Rico, this course explores how significant interruption of each lifeline can impact animal health response.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how diversity, marginalization and intersectionality relate to the veterinary profession. Dr. Lisa M. Greenhill, senior director for institutional research and diversity at the Association of American Veterinary Colleges (AAVMC), discusses what intersectionality means and explores the notion that discrimination never exists in isolation. Participants will come away learning new ways to reduce discrimination in their work environments and surrounding communities.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Royal Canin

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are emerging technologies likely to change how we practice veterinary medicine. In this session, you’ll learn about key regulatory differences between AI in veterinary medicine and human medicine, and come away with a deeper understanding of the ethical and legal ramifications of AI for veterinary medicine.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Veterinary professionals have a unique opportunity to advocate for ethical and sustainable sourcing of pet dogs. Learn about the most common sources of pet dogs, the risks of dog importation, and the role that animal welfare plays in where people get their dogs.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Discover the controlled substance regulations that all veterinary professionals should know about. Learn useful ideas for establishing compliance within different types of practices.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar will help participants better understand the information on FDA-approved drug labels, particularly in the post-approval experience section. Presenters will share findings from a 2019 survey of AVMA and NAVTA members on how drug labels are used and understood. They'll also explain how the findings can help improve the way a product’s safety information is conveyed. Come away knowing how to make more informed decisions about medication and product safety. 

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Discover what tactics a drug-seeking client might use to divert drugs in your practice. Learn the signs to spot potentially concerning behavior. Discover how regulatory compliance can help you prevent diversion.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

New and emerging technologies are reshaping life in veterinary practice and transforming how we deliver veterinary care. Dr. Rob Trimble, veterinary entrepreneur, explores some of these new technologies and the driving forces behind them. Discover what’s on the horizon and come away with an action plan to prepare yourself, your team, and your business for the future. 

Buckle up, the future’s going to be a wild ride!

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Emotional blackmail is a form of manipulation used to coerce people into doing what someone else wants. Join AVMA’s director of wellbeing, diversity, and inclusion initiatives to understand the cycle of manipulation, submission, and resentment, that characterizes emotional blackmail. Identify underlying triggers for emotional blackmail, recognize what makes us vulnerable to them, and come away with strategies to disrupt this manipulative behavior.

Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Zoetis

Employment laws affect the day-to-day work of our practices and employees, especially those team members responsible for human resource management. Compliance with these laws is imperative to minimize risk, and avoid fines and penalties. It’s also key to creating a respectful work environment and retaining talented employees. The entire leadership team—practice owners, managers, administrators, and supervisors—must know and understand employment laws, and be ready to recognize when action is needed to correct noncompliance. In this webinar, learn how to ensure your organization is in compliance.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Discover the biggest trends and economic outlook in the equine veterinary profession, including education, employment, and services. This webinar draws on information from the AVMA Graduating Senior Survey, AVMA Census of Veterinarians, AVMA/AAEP Equine Efficiency Survey, and the 2024 AVMA/AAEP Report on The Economic State of the Equine Veterinary Profession.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

The most common and costly equine malpractice claims involve buyer complaints related to prepurchase examinations (PPE). Learn how to minimize complaints related to allegations of veterinary negligence during a prepurchase exam.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Leaving money to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) from your will or trust is a way to have a lasting impact on the veterinary profession nationwide. In this brief webinar, you’ll learn basic information about estate planning and how you can donate to the AVMF via a gift from your will or trust.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.

This brief webinar discusses the impact that various life events—including the sale of a practice—can have on estate planning. Learn how you can make an impact on the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) via a gift from your will or trust.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.

In this brief webinar, licensed CPA and attorney Jeff Conrad discusses ways to give from your IRA to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation, either during your lifetime or by creating a legacy. You’ll also learn about two ways people support charities via their IRA or retirement accounts.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.

Learn about euthanasia and depopulation techniques, and appropriate disposal options, for various animal species that may be required in a disaster or animal health emergency.

This session satisfies core competency 7 of AVMA’s Veterinary First Responder Certificate Program. It originally was presented at AVMA Convention 2023. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

The AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals offer best practices for humanely ending animals’ lives when necessary. Since they were first published in 1963, the globally-recognized guidelines have undergone regular review to keep up to date with scientific changes. Join Dr. Steven Leary, chair of the AVMA Panels on Euthanasia, Humane Slaughter and Depopulation, for an overview of changes made in 2020 and how they impact you.  

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn about various forms of euthanasia in companion animals and equids. First, examine the challenges and benefits of using intraorgan injections to perform euthanasia in companion animals. Then, review equine euthanasia methods aside from the use of barbiturates, including intravenous potassium and magnesium salts, intracardiac potassium chloride, and intrathecal lidocaine.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

In this two-part session, examine end-of-life care issues and considerations that go into the decision to euthanize zoo animals. First, learn about multimodal therapies that can provide relief from discomfort while preserving animals’ quality of life, and explore animal welfare tools that help caretakers and veterinarians assess when euthanasia is appropriate. Then, explore the ethics, politics, and considerations that impact how animal breeding and culling decisions are made.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

In this two-part session, learn about non-inhalant euthanasia methods and the importance of supporting caregivers who perform euthanasia and other difficult tasks. This webinar is based on presentations given at the 2018 Humane Endings Symposium.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

In this two-part session, learn about the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a euthanasia agent, as well as a variety of on-farm killing methods. First, examine the humaneness, practicality, and utility of CO2 standards for small rodents. Then, evaluate various on-farm killing methods for commercial meat rabbits, including blunt force trauma, mechanical cervical dislocation, a non-penetrating captive bolt device (NPCB), and gradual- and fast-fill chamber exposure to CO2.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Discover career opportunities on the industry side of veterinary medicine. Veterinarian and business consultant Dr. Karen Felsted, and executive search consultant Stacy Pursell, discuss how to find the right job, make a successful transition, and thrive in a corporate career.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn the inner workings of a career in veterinary forensics, and the education, skills, and experience necessary to enter this field of veterinary practice.​ Dr. Melinda Merck, a forensic veterinarian and owner of Veterinary Forensics Consulting in Austin, Texas, discusses her experiences working with investigators of animal cruelty and crime scene investigation in this unique field.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Over the past decade, fungal infections in both animals and people have become an increasing public health concern. In this webinar, veterinary experts delve into the topic of emerging fungal infections, including cat-transmitted sporotrichosis, dermatophytosis, histoplasmosis, and more.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed by the AVMA in collaboration with an educational partner: the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Learn how GFI #256 applies to companion animal veterinarians in your day-to-day work, including compounding drugs in the clinic, ordering compounded medications for an individual patient, and keeping compounded drugs on the shelf as office stock. Come away with a practical understanding of the guidance as it pertains to you and your team.

0.5 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$15 Non-members

Learn how to navigate difficult conversations with clients. Come away with a plan to calm your worries, prepare your talking points, and deliver bad news effectively and compassionately.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the My Veterinary Life podcast

Explore the benefits of a mentor relationship and learn how you can get the most out of your experience as a mentee. Come away with a plan to bring a structured mentorship program to your practice, and learn how to get—and give—the most in this valuable relationship.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the My Veterinary Life podcast

Join AVMA representatives and a veterinary student for a discussion of how to handle potential complaints against your veterinary license. Follow along as the presenters work through the subjective, objective, and assessment of the “case.” Come away with a plan to handle specific situations and sail more smoothly through your veterinary career.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the My Veterinary Life podcast

Join representatives from AVMA staff and a current veterinary student for a discussion of how to respond to difficult work situations and teammates who challenge us. Follow along with presenters as they use the grand rounds format to work through the subjective, objective, and assessment of the “case.” Come away with a plan to handle specific situations and sail more smoothly through your early years after graduation.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with My Veterinary Life podcast

Learn about the biology of the honeybee, diseases that affect honeybees, possible treatments or controls for common diseases, and the role veterinarians may play in the apiary.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) applies to honeybees, and the regulations that beekeepers, bee suppliers, and veterinarians must follow when using medically important antibiotics to treat bee colonies. Explore the veterinary needs of the bee industry, including the transition from over-the-counter to prescription bee medications.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Saving for retirement is a crucial part of financial planning. Learn about major changes in retirement law that make it an ideal time for practices to implement retirement saving programs. Whether you’re an owner, manager, or other team member, discover how your practice can leverage tax incentives to meet the standard of care for supporting employee retirement savings.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Veterinary technicians are an integral part of the healthcare team. Utilizing them fully can improve patient care, make workloads more manageable, boost team wellbeing, and increase practice revenue. In this webinar you’ll discover what optimal utilization of technicians can look like, and explore how your practice measures up against other practices and current standards.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with NAVTA and made possible through educational funding from CareCredit

Discover truths and myths about the science of the human-animal bond. Explore the latest research in anthrozoology, the study of human-animal interactions, which explores fundamental questions regarding why people like animals, how animals perceive people, and whether animals really help people live longer, happier, healthier lives.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with CareCredit

Inefficiencies remain a concern in the veterinary industry. An overinvestment in labor or excess capacity in space could be detrimental to productivity and efficiency.  Another source of inefficiency that has not received particular attention is inefficiencies from inventory management. Join two veterinary business experts as they discuss the role that inventory optimization, inventory KPIs, and technology plays in improving inventory efficiency.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This on-demand webinar was developed with educational partner CareCredit

AVMA is committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the veterinary profession. Making that happen requires a community effort.

The Journey for Teams program, created by the AVMA in conjunction with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE), gives every member of the veterinary community a pathway to foster DEI in our workplaces. It’s a comprehensive and collaborative program that engages and empowers individual members of every veterinary team to build support and understanding of DEI from the ground up.

Modules included in Volume 1:

The Power of Diversity
Unconscious Bias
Psychological Safety

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Journey for Teams, developed by the AVMA in collaboration with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives, is generously supported by many industry partners. Collaborating partners: National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America; Veterinary Hospital Managers Association; Educational partners - Trailblazers: Boehringer Ingelheim; Mars Veterinary Health; Nationwide; NAVC; National Veterinary Associates; Petco; Viticus Group; Zoetis; Educational partners - Adventurers:  CareCredit; Hill's Pet Nutrition; Merck Animal Health; Suveto

AVMA is committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the veterinary profession. Making that happen requires a community effort.

The Journey for Teams program, created by the AVMA in conjunction with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE), gives every member of the veterinary community a pathway to foster DEI in our workplaces. It’s a comprehensive and collaborative program that engages and empowers individual members of every veterinary team to build support and understanding of DEI from the ground up.

Modules included in Volume 2:

Brave Spaces
The Art of Retention
The Art of Recruitment
Client Communications through a DEI Lens

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Journey for Teams, developed by the AVMA in collaboration with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives, is generously supported by many industry partners. Collaborating partners: National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America; Veterinary Hospital Managers Association; Educational partners - Trailblazers: Boehringer Ingelheim; Mars Veterinary Health; Nationwide; NAVC; National Veterinary Associates; Petco; Viticus Group; Zoetis; Educational partners - Adventurers:  CareCredit; Hill's Pet Nutrition; Merck Animal Health; Suveto

AVMA is committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the veterinary profession. Making that happen requires a community effort.

The Journey for Teams program, created by the AVMA in conjunction with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE), gives every member of the veterinary community a pathway to foster DEI in our workplaces. It’s a comprehensive and collaborative program that engages and empowers individual members of every veterinary team to build support and understanding of DEI from the ground up.

Modules included in Volume 3:

Religious Diversity
Pathway Development in Veterinary Medicine
Accessibility in the Workplace
Cultural Responsiveness in Veterinary Medicine

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Journey for Teams, developed by the AVMA in collaboration with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives, is generously supported by many industry partners. Collaborating partners: National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America; Veterinary Hospital Managers Association; Educational partners - Trailblazers: Boehringer Ingelheim; Mars Veterinary Health; Nationwide; NAVC; National Veterinary Associates; Petco; Viticus Group; Zoetis; Educational partners - Adventurers:  CareCredit; Hill's Pet Nutrition; Merck Animal Health; Suveto

AVMA is committed to enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) throughout the veterinary profession. Making that happen requires a community effort.

The Journey for Teams program, created by the AVMA in conjunction with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives (VMAE), gives every member of the veterinary community a pathway to foster DEI in our workplaces. It’s a comprehensive and collaborative program that engages and empowers individual members of every veterinary team to build support and understanding of DEI from the ground up.

Modules included in Volume 4:

Embracing Gender Diversity: Exploring Gender Identity
Understanding Generational Diversity

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Journey for Teams, developed by the AVMA in collaboration with the Veterinary Medical Association Executives, is generously supported by many industry partners. Collaborating partners: National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America; Veterinary Hospital Managers Association; Educational partners - Trailblazers: Boehringer Ingelheim; Mars Veterinary Health; Nationwide; NAVC; National Veterinary Associates; Petco; Viticus Group; Zoetis; Educational partners - Adventurers:  CareCredit; Hill's Pet Nutrition; Merck Animal Health; Suveto

Hear the leadership journeys of two veterinarians, and use their stories to examine your own leadership goals and map a course to success. Drs. Katie Ebers and Jananne O'Connell, participants in the AVMA Future Leaders Program, share the challenges they've faced and overcome on their leadership journeys, and lessons and skills learned along the way. They also reveal how their ideas of leadership evolved as their roles and objectives changed.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

The veterinary profession has witnessed profound change over the past decades, caused by a variety of factors. To cope and thrive with these changes, we must rely on our greatest asset: people. Join two veterinary business experts for a discussion of how an effective, efficient, and well-trained team is essential to reaching your organization’s common goals.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This on-demand webinar is made possible through educational funding from CareCredit

Lean is a management philosophy based on scientific principles and aimed at providing greater value to the client with more efficiency, better resource utilization, and increased employee engagement. Join veterinarian and writer Dr. Chip Ponsford and internationally-recognized management consultant Mark Graban to learn about lean philosophy and how you can implement it in your veterinary practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Real self-care is an ongoing process that requires decision-making, boundary setting, self-compassion, and living a life aligned with your beliefs and values. Learn essential tools and skills for boundary setting—one of the pillars of real self-care.  

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Making a commitment to diversity and inclusion in veterinary medicine—as in life—requires levels of engagement that may be discomforting. Breaking through our comfort zones can be one of the biggest barriers to advancing change in our environments. Join Lisa Greenhill, Ed.D., senior director for institutional research and diversity at the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC), to discover activities that can help you move from your personal comfort zone to a brave space, allowing you to advance diversity and inclusion initiatives in your workplace.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Royal Canin

Learn steps you and your veterinary team can take to comply with federal regulations for controlled substances. Dr. Lauren Forsythe, pharmacy director at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital, discusses practical applications of federal compliance and how you can handle common areas of difficulty that may arise.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Zomedica

Learn how to protect people, patients, and the practice when hosting a veterinary student externship or other volunteer opportunity. Join the AVMA Trust for a discussion of risk-management considerations and how to protect your practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Explore the role you can play in creating a culture of wellbeing in the workplace and your personal life. Dr. Jen Brandt, AVMA’s director of wellbeing and inclusion initiatives, discusses the many components of wellbeing and specific ways you can make a difference in your and your colleagues' personal and professional wellbeing.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

My Veterinary Life Podcast shares stories from across the veterinary profession. Listeners will hear first-hand how guests got to where they are today and trust us, it is not always a straight line and often includes some challenges. The hosts, Drs. Anna Reddish and Marci Kirk will discuss with guests how they overcame these challenges and what lessons they learned along the way. They will also dig into what the guests are passionate about and what drives them in veterinary medicine. Through these light-hearted, often hilarious stories, listeners will better understand what is possible in the veterinary profession. This podcast will explore the amazing world of veterinary medicine and what you can do with a veterinary degree. The goal of this show is that the audience leaves feeling positive and hopeful about the future of veterinary medicine and encouraged to live their veterinary life to the fullest.

0.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

My Veterinary Life Podcast shares stories from across the veterinary profession. Listeners will hear first-hand how guests got to where they are today and trust us, it is not always a straight line and often includes some challenges. The hosts, Drs. Anna Reddish and Marci Kirk will discuss with guests how they overcame these challenges and what lessons they learned along the way. They will also dig into what the guests are passionate about and what drives them in veterinary medicine. Through these light-hearted, often hilarious stories, listeners will better understand what is possible in the veterinary profession. This podcast will explore the amazing world of veterinary medicine and what you can do with a veterinary degree. The goal of this show is that the audience leaves feeling positive and hopeful about the future of veterinary medicine and encouraged to live their veterinary life to the fullest.

0.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-Members

My Veterinary Life Podcast shares stories from across the veterinary profession. Listeners will hear first-hand how guests got to where they are today and trust us, it is not always a straight line and often includes some challenges. The hosts, Drs. Anna Reddish and Marci Kirk will discuss with guests how they overcame these challenges and what lessons they learned along the way. They will also dig into what the guests are passionate about and what drives them in veterinary medicine. Through these light-hearted, often hilarious stories, listeners will better understand what is possible in the veterinary profession. This podcast will explore the amazing world of veterinary medicine and what you can do with a veterinary degree. The goal of this show is that the audience leaves feeling positive and hopeful about the future of veterinary medicine and encouraged to live their veterinary life to the fullest.

0.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-Members

Join two veterinary nutritionists as they discuss the importance of educating pet owners to make informed decisions about their pets’ food. Learn how to involve the entire healthcare team in performing a nutrition assessment. Explore the Pet Nutrition Alliance’s (PNA) Dare to Ask tool and how to use it in practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the Pet Nutrition Alliance and made possible through educational funding from Pets Best Pet Health Insurance and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation.  

Learn how to make your veterinary team the preferred nutrition resource for your clients. Discover the ins and outs of implementing a nutrition management program in your practice, including how to collect nutrition history, promote proper nutrition, demonstrate the behaviors that support healthy diet, and make personalized recommendations that meet the needs of each patient.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the Pet Nutrition Alliance and made possible through educational funding from Pets Best Pet Health Insurance and the American Veterinary Medical Foundation

Onboarding new team members is a crucial part of the hiring process that can have a strong impact on employee retention. Learn how to bring intentional onboarding to your organization, focusing on the employee experience and retention.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Compare drug diversion statistics and trends in human healthcare with trends in veterinary medicine. Learn about some of the regulatory attempts that have been made to address drug diversion within veterinary practices.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how to make your workplace safe and OSHA-compliant. Understand essential safety regulations, common violations, risk assessment strategies, and practical steps to create a compliant, safe work environment.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust.

Pet insurance helps your clients say “yes” to your Plan A treatment recommendation.  This webinar will help your team have quality conversations with clients to communicate the benefits of pet insurance and assist them in making choices that are right for their situation. Learn what research studies tell us about the importance of pet insurance, and discover best practices – including where, when, and how your hospital team can most effectively educate clients about insurance for their pet.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Professional liability insurance is essential to protect you from malpractice claims and board complaints. Learn about the risks veterinary professionals face in daily practice, recommended insurance coverage for different roles, and preventive measures you can take to decrease the chance of facing a professional liability or board complaint.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust.

Learn strategies and practical steps you can take to prevent cyberbullying attacks and protect your online reputation. From managing your social media feeds to attracting positive reviews, this webinar will provide actionable steps to safeguard your reputation in the digital age.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from AVMA Member Edge

Learn about the mental and emotional toll that depopulation and mass euthanasia can take on veterinary professionals, and how support from colleagues can help them recover. Hear from veterinarians with firsthand involvement in depopulation and mass euthanasia of sheep, cattle, pigs, poultry, and laboratory animals. Gain a deeper understanding of the mental and emotional burden that often accompanies these events, and the importance of supporting our veterinary colleagues during these difficult circumstances. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

When rabies enters a veterinary clinic, it prompts several liability concerns. This webinar examines a rabies case in the veterinary practice setting and details potential exposures that can trigger multiple types of insurance needs. Learn best practices to reduce liability and which types of coverage you need to ensure your practice is protected in the event of a rabies exposure.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust.

Board-certified veterinary nutritionist Dr. Deborah Linder leads a discussion on client communication strategies about raw meat-based diets. Learn about owner motivations for choosing raw meat diets and how you can incorporate these motivations in your discussions with your clients. Dr. Linder shares best practices for obtaining and providing timely information to clients, and case examples demonstrating how educated owners are better equipped to make informed decision about their pets.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

When we’re prepared for emergencies, we can significantly reduce their impact on our practices. Theft and fraud, online reputation crises, and natural disasters are just a few examples. Having a readiness and resilience plan in place can help prevent unexpected events from escalating into major business disruptions. In this webinar, learn why readiness planning is so important, and how to create a customized plan for your practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Relief veterinary medicine allows flexibility, variety, and even travel. Join relief veterinarian Dr. Cindy Trice to learn the benefits and challenges of this underutilized and underrepresented area of veterinary medicine. Gain a realistic picture of the career path, technical aspects of setting up your own relief practice, and unique skills required to thrive in this niche. If you’re already a practicing relief veterinarian, learn how to elevate your services to provide outstanding support to clinics.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Join Transamerica and the AVMA Trust to learn about the AVMA Trust Retirement Plan. Explore features and benefits of the program and find out how you and your team can start saving for the future today.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

While we can’t always predict or control everything that happens in veterinary practice, we can prepare for the unexpected and plan how to respond. Discover key steps you can take to avoid common risk management pitfalls as you start your veterinary journey. Learn how to protect yourself and your career right from day one.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Rudeness at work can hurt us in many ways. It can harm our emotional and physical health, and negatively impact our organizations. Explore why rudeness in the workplace is on the rise, how we can address poor behavior, and why solutions aimed at trying to control other people’s behaviors generally aren’t effective. Come away with evidence-based strategies for preventing and diffusing displaced anger in the veterinary workplace.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is supported through educational funding from Merck Animal Health

Discover the benefits of lean management, and learn how to implement it in your practice. Veterinarian and writer Dr. Chip Ponsford and management consultant Mark Graban discuss how lean management can help you provide greater value to your clients with more efficiency, better resource utilization, and increased employee engagement.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how to make your practice run more efficiently. Frederic Ouedraogo, Ph.D., an assistant director of economics at the AVMA, discusses what an efficient veterinary practice looks like and techniques to improve or maintain efficiencies in your practice. Discover areas where inefficiencies sometimes arise, such as mismanagement of staff and use of inappropriate or outdated technologies.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Merck Animal Health/VMG

Explore common personality traits of veterinary professionals, and current trends and challenges in the veterinary profession that can impact wellbeing. Participants will gain insight into their personal and professional tendencies, and come away with tools and ideas to implement a self-compassion practice into their lives.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar meets Illinois requirements for sexual harassment prevention training and is provided by the AVMA and AVMA Trust for all veterinary professionals. Understand why sexual harassment prevention training is important, implications of sexual harassment in the workplace, and employer responsibilities.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Sexual harassment is not acceptable in any form, and it extracts a steep cost from both the person targeted and the practice or organization where they work. Building a safe and harassment-free workplace is a team effort, and it starts at the top. This training webinar increases awareness of the impact of sexual harassment in the workplace and provides risk management information, resources, and tools for all veterinary professionals.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Overview of small ruminant husbandry and regulatory concerns for the general practitioner including antibiotic use, reportable and zoonotic diseases, nutrition, health inspections, and Veterinary Feed Directives (VFD).

This session was recorded during the AVMA Convention 2024.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Overview of small ruminant medicine for the general practitioner including wellness exams, vaccinations, parasite monitoring, foot trimming, dental care and some common diseases.

This session was recorded during the AVMA Convention 2024.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Many of the protocols veterinary practices put in place during COVID-19 were essential to comply with regulations and protect our teams and clients. Now, as we continue to evolve, we need to evaluate these protocols and understand how they have impacted our operating systems and, in some cases, led to decreased efficiency. In this webinar, you’ll examine all components of the production chain, identify common sources of inefficiencies, and come away with recommendations to restore efficiency and enhance profitability.

This is the first webinar in a two-part series exploring strategies to improve practice efficiency.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This on-demand webinar is made possible through educational funding from CareCredit

USP General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding—Sterile Preparations applies to all sterile compounding done in a human or veterinary practice setting. In this session, learn the standards necessary to compound sterile preparations under Categories 1, 2, and 3. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

A key part of starting a new job is integrating into a new team. Learn strategies for making the transition as smooth and successful as possible. Discover best practices for building healthy, long-term relationships with colleagues; advocating for your professional needs; managing conflict with teammates; and thriving as a mentee.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

In this presentation, students learn how to identify clinical experiences and protect themselves—in terms of both physical safety and professional liability—while participating. Discover how SAVMA membership can help you make the most of your clinical experience.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Learn the latest research and perspectives on suicide prevention. You’ll discover current communication-based challenges to suicide prevention efforts, and action steps you can take today to promote hope and communicate about suicide prevention safely and effectively.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

Learn about systemic challenges to suicide prevention and which approaches are more effective in reducing the probability of suicidal behaviors. Discover an exercise for rediscovering your reasons for living and come away with steps we can take together to help create lives worth living.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

Delve into the latest research on suicide and its causes with experts from the AVMA and the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). Learn the importance of using culturally appropriate, evidence-based strategies to promote mental health, prevent suicide, and intervene in a mental health crisis.

This course is not available for CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AAVMC

If you don't have time to do it once, when will you have time to do it again?  Way too frequently in practice, mistakes are made leading to tasks having to be done again.  In some cases, mistakes can lead to the loss of money, a client, or worse yet, the loss of a pet.  Systems, processes, and checklists will help create a consistent and predictable manner by which the most common tasks are done within a business.  From an efficiency standpoint, getting it right the first time has a huge impact not only financially but on the overall feeling within the practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This on-demand webinar was developed with educational partner CareCredit

Do you sometimes feel like you and your I.T. professional speak two different languages? Join two veterinary-centric I.T. strategists to learn ways to effectively communicate your practice’s technology needs and challenges. Discover how a clear technology strategy and collaborative mindset can help improve efficiency, boost team morale, increase profitability, and ultimately mean fewer headaches for everyone.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how to have effective conversations with clients around cost of care. Discover words and phrases that will empower pet owners to talk about cost, and to explore flexible treatment and payment options with their veterinary care team.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed with educational partners Care Credit and Pets Best

Learn language to connect meaningfully with pet owners to improve compliance, enhance patient care, and drive your business forward. This interactive training explores the most effective language you can use to communicate the why, what, and how of veterinary care. Gain awareness into the mindset of pet owners regarding the value of veterinary care, and come away knowing the right language to articulate the value of your practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This training webinar is a component of the AVMA’s Language of Veterinary Care Initiative, made possible in part by educational funding from CareCredit and Pets Best Pet Health Insurance. Click here to learn more about the webinar.

Veterinary team retention improves when we support connections that bring team members together. Social, professional and community connections build bonds within the team and increase job satisfaction. Mentoring and in-hospital training also are important to build trust, which is foundational to a fulfilling career and also increases productivity and efficiency. Join this webinar to learn practical actions you can take to increase team retention.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with NAVTA and made possible through educational funding from CareCredit

Learn how to use AVMA’s telehealth guidelines to introduce or expand telehealth in your practice. Gain an overview of the laws and regulations pertaining to veterinary telehealth, and the many options to consider when delivering telehealth services. Review definitions of services, possible workflows, potential uses of telehealth, and ways to monetize telehealth visits.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how the 4 Ps of positive leadership (psychological safety, purpose, path, and partnership) can enhance the work environment, improve individual team members’ workplace experience, and increase employee retention. Presenters share results of a 2023 leadership study and discuss how to put the 4 Ps of positive leadership to practice in your workplace.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn about the One Health movement and the important role of veterinarians in advancing it. Dr. Jonna Mazet, professor and executive director of the One Health Institute at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, discusses how veterinarians are involved in One Health; how to apply a One Health approach to global problem solving and to your own job; and career opportunities in this field.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is an independent organization that sets pharmaceutical standards that apply to both human and veterinary medicine. Learn about the three USP General Chapters most pertinent to compounding in veterinary medicine: <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding-Nonsterile Preparations; <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding-Sterile Preparations; and <800> Hazardous Drugs-Handling in Healthcare Settings.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Board-certified veterinary nutritionist Dr. Deborah Linder discusses the benefits and risks of raw meat-based diets. Learn about owner motivations for choosing a raw diet for their pet, and clinical recommendations clients should be aware of. Dr. Linder also shares peer-reviewed studies about human and animal health risks associated with raw diets, and recommends protocols for ensuring staff and animal safety when treating a pet who may have consumed contaminated food.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn how you can leverage data to gain insight into your patients, clients, and business. Dr. Kerri Marshall, chief veterinary officer of BabelBark, discusses what “big data” means and how it can help you discover patterns and trends in your clients’ behavior to make better treatment and business decisions. She explores how you can harness data to expand telehealth opportunities in your practice, build deeper relationships with clients, and deliver more personalized patient care.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is made possible through educational funding from Zomedica

Unconscious bias is something that affects everyone. We all have it – because it’s a function of brain efficiency, coupled with personal values and lived experience. Explore the science of bias and learn how it shows up in our personal and group decision-making in ways that may unintentionally limit opportunities and exclude talented team members. Identify concrete ways to limit the negative impact of bias in decision-making.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
Free for Non-members

This webinar is made possible by educational funding from Royal Canin

Learn about career opportunities in undergraduate education teaching. Dr. Jane Davis, veterinarian and biology professor, discusses whether an undergraduate teaching position might be an appropriate alternative or supplement to veterinary practice. She addresses the unique skills and commitments required for a career in undergraduate education, and the satisfaction that can come from a joint career in veterinary medicine and education. 

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center and is made possible through educational funding from Zomedica


In the tens of thousands of years since dogs evolved from wolves, humans have adapted them to become one of the most diverse species on the planet. There are now over 400 recognized breeds defined by desired physical and behavioral traits. Due to the nature of segregation by breed, purebred dogs have narrower gene pools and lower genetic diversity, which can lead to health concerns at both the individual and breed levels. In this webinar, learn about technological advances and genetic tools that can help veterinarians and breeders identify desirable and undesirable genetic variants. Understand when and how to use these tools to enhance breeding programs, preserve the overall health and longevity of breeds, and improve dog health.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

In this panel discussion with members of the American Association of Industry Veterinarians, learn about various veterinary career opportunities in industry.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Hear from three veterinary technicians whose combined experience will help you discover opportunities in veterinary technology you may never have considered. You’ll also learn practical actions you can take to realize a new career in veterinary technology. The panelists have broad experience ranging from academia to clinical practice, and from private entrepreneurship to non-profit leadership, plus experience building supportive teams and championing workplace wellbeing.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with NAVTA and made possible through educational funding from CareCredit

Explore the world of telemedicine and discover various virtual care options you can consider implementing in your practice. Dr. Lori Teller, member of the AVMA Board of Directors, and Dr. Kent McClure, AVMA chief government relations officer, cover the basics of the virtual-care landscape and introduce resources you can use to implement or expand telemedicine in your practice.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Learn about education, employment, and workforce development in the One Health arena. Dr. Eri Togami, One Health fellow at the One Health Institute at UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, will share findings from research conducted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine's One Health Action Collaborative on core competencies in One Health education. She also will discuss results from a global survey of more than 800 students, graduates, workers, and employers in the field of One Health.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar is developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center

Have you ever felt uncertain about how to support a grieving colleague, or had your own grief go unacknowledged at work? If so, you’re not alone. Human loss is an unavoidable part of life, but most Americans report they don’t know what to say or do when someone is grieving. Join AVMA’s director of member wellbeing and diversity initiatives to explore how to create grief-ready workplaces: ones that support colleagues, strengthen relationships, increase wellbeing, promote higher staff retention, bolster workplace morale, and maintain high-functioning work environments.

Instead of avoiding or dismissing grief at work, you’ll learn how to develop a plan to respond compassionately in the aftermath of human loss. Come away with important knowledge about grief, ways to provide structure for helping colleagues transition back to work after a loss, and insight into common phrases that often miss the mark with grievers, along with suggestions for what to say instead.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

Explore best practices and potential challenges to managing an on-site worker injury, including  implementing an effective return-to-work program. Using case studies from the veterinary profession, discover internal processes and tools—such as checklists, sample forms, and policies—your facility can use to avoid expensive workplace injuries and mitigate costs.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

Explore best practices for preventing and responding to acts of workplace violence or an active shooter. Discover how to implement an effective risk assessment and management plan. Using case examples, you’ll learn how to detect possible warning signs, and develop response options to acts of violence or an active shooter in the workplace.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Trust

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted many veterinary professionals to reflect on job satisfaction and consider new employment opportunities. Explore veterinary market trends, what they might mean for you as a jobseeker, and see how what drives you as a veterinary professional can signal your next career move. Come away with an action plan so you’re ready to apply for a new job within 30 days.

1.0 CE Credit
Free for AVMA/SAVMA Members
$25 Non-members

This webinar was developed in partnership with the AVMA Veterinary Career Center and made possible through educational funding from CareCredit